Wednesday 5 August 2015

One Day the moon said 2 me,If Ur lover makes u cry Why dont u leave Ur lover..I Looked at the Moon n Replied..
Would u ever leave ur sky?

Days continue 2 pass,Stars continue 2 shine.Why do i have tears in my eyes,When he was not mine....

____Love is ______________started____
___by a spark,__________ a spark of___
physical attraction;_____like the persons
_smile, body figure, or those glazed eyes_
_This is physical love. Love must pass _
the physical mark. Now, the personality is
___important, as well as their style. Are___
______they honest, kind, gentle,_________
______Or are they sweet as pie._________
__________ This is internal_____________
______________ love._________________
_____Love________________ them______
___no matter____________what. Love____
_them even if they are poor in health._
_Love them even if they are poor in wealth._
Love them even if they had a past.Love
them without conditions as well so without
__limitations. This is unconditional love.__
__Once love is found, marriage is to seal__
______it. In this marriage kit, care, ______
________responsibility, trust, and________
_________honesty comes with it.________
___________This Is Marriage___________
___________If Love is found,______

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